Face Uncertain Past Poem by Tom Billsborough

Face Uncertain Past

Rating: 5.0

New Dawn, unwritten page,
The future sparkles on the crests of waves.
And sage decisions will be taken.
For confidence is all!
For now your soul will shape its options
And words flow in conclusive tides,
Driven by faith in your creative function.
Oh, Man, how many stood
Upon this very shore
Bathing too in the blinding light
And yet forgot
The elongated shadows
Hidden from their sight.
Look back and face uncertain past
With its reversals,
Which memory unravels
With its malicious pleasure;
Assumptive errors confidently made
Which litter past endeavours
As flotsam piled behind you on the shore!

Thursday, December 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy
tom billsborough 23 January 2019

It is often the case, sadly enough. But sometimes you have exhilarating experiences. I've just reviewed the Past and Future poems for Fabrizio and I was delighted by the high standards achieved by many of the poets. Yours is one of the very best, by the way.

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Valsa George 22 January 2019

When we greet a new day and make new resolutions for the future, don't let the past, its sad memories or its failures intervene and douse our enthusiasm! But it often happens and all our resolutions for the future are unfortunately squashed! A great write!

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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