Fairytales Poem by Randy McClave


She was read fairytales
Ever since she was a very young impressionable lass,
And all that she learned about those weak female's
Is that they didn't have enough sass.
They were always locked away in high, high towers
Or given a poisoned apple to eat,
Imprisoned for years, months, weeks, days and hours
While waiting patiently for their Prince Charming to meet.
Some of those women became servants
So, they happily cooked dinner and moped the floors,
To love and live they were caretakers and observants
As they happily washed and cleaned and did their daily chores.
They didn't curse and they didn't fight
They obeyed and did whatever they were commanded and told,
And they were told what was wrong and also right
Never were they taught to be brave or to ever be bold.
Many of those girls wanted to become a princess
Waiting and hoping for their Prince Charming to come around,
They didn't care to look or to act senseless
Not caring where they were ever headed or bound.
Many of those girls are now women locked in their own towers
Still waiting and dreaming for a Prince Charming to hitch,
While others instead are using their feminine powers
Not wanting to be a princess, but rather being a witch.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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