Faithfully Sharing Truth Poem by Bob Gotti

Faithfully Sharing Truth

For our witness, a sure proof, is that we are walking in Truth,
Living out The Truths of God, wherever in this world we trod,
Abiding in The Lord Christ Jesus, in His Light as we witness,
As in our lives Truth is unfurled, amidst an unbelieving world.

It is God’s Truth we boast in, being believers saved from sin,
Our pride God will condemn, but, we boast Christ, to all men,
As God’s Truths drive our life, to draw others to Jesus Christ,
Displaying God’s faithfulness, to all men through our witness.

The mission we are to fulfill, is the sharing of Christ’s Gospel,
God’s Gospel of saving Grace, through The Lord, all by faith,
In a time with many deceived, we preach what we’ve believed,
Staying faithful to The Lord, in a world where Truth is ignored.

Beyond standing on The Word, our ways are not just inferred,
As Godly character is a must, when in God we place our trust,
With a walk in accord with the life, of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Living out our life with integrity, as witnesses that all shall see.

Today, many profess to believe, on a path to simply deceive,
God’s Truth is all we must preach, to all God desires to reach,
Standing on the Only Foundation, Jesus Christ, our Salvation,
The Truth all men must believe, so eternal life they will receive.

(Copyright ©11/2013)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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