Fear Poem by Shah Jehan Ashrafi


Fear came to me on its doomsday
From here and there it was running away
I found it odd to find fear so frightened
Usually by harassing others were its days brightened
How did it lose its spark I wondered
I kept fathoming over its new form bewildered
Fear looked too old all of a sudden
In its heart was hidden a bulky burden
It approached me without any hope left
I could feel of intensity it was bereft
Shattered to its core it melted on my threshold
Filled with pity were the emotions I did behold
Fear sobbed with pain and told its story
Only for some years was it destined to behold glory
It had spent its youth harassing everyone
Meanwhile, time was plucking its feathers one by one
Ageing with time, it was reaching its tomb
Fear expressed its wish to have remained in its mother's womb
It breathed its last and I could hear the pin drop silence
The world was given back its right to excellence!
Fear came to me on its doomsday
From here and there it was running away
I found it odd to find fear so frightened
Usually by harassing others were its days brightened
How did it lose its spark I wondered
I kept fathoming over its new form bewildered
Fear looked too old all of a sudden
In its heart was hidden a bulky burden
It approached me without any hope left
I could feel of intensity it was bereft
Shattered to its core it melted on my threshold
Filled with pity were the emotions I did behold
Fear sobbed with pain and told its story
Only for some years was it destined to behold glory
It had spent its youth harassing everyone
Meanwhile, time was plucking its feathers one by one
Ageing with time, it was reaching its tomb
Fear expressed its wish to have remained in its mother's womb
It breathed its last and I could hear the pin drop silence
The world was given back its right to excellence!

an imaginative piece about fear being afraid itself
Babatunde Aremu 22 February 2013

There is nothing to fear than our imaginations that hunts us daily. Nice poem, keep writing. Avoid repetitions to enable the reader enjoy the lines. Thanks for sharing. Pls read my poems and comment

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