Feeling Sympathy For Baby Cobra! Poem by Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Feeling Sympathy For Baby Cobra!

As usual, I was browsing internet
In my computer sitting adjacent
to the hall window, about nine O’ clock!

Within the glance of my eyes on left side,
I noticed something wriggling outer side
Closer to the compound wall inner side!

Shocked to see a snake moving forward steadily
I went out of my house through back door carefully
Taking a long wooden broad stick to beat it!

Hearing my approaching sound,
the baby snake turned around
I wanted to beat and kill it!

Since I noticed it is only a week old,
I felt whether to leave it to reach its mother safely
Or to kill, not to give chance to come back frequently!

But while it is moving carefully,
It raised its head very slightly,
Spreading its hood so gently!

Warning me every now and then,
Hey, be careful! I am a baby cobra!
I understood now it is a baby cobra!

I didn't try to beat it,
Is it due to fear?
Is it due to sympathy?

While I was not deciding,
It went through crevices
Between the cement slabs!

To visit my brother’s house
next day next door, since
firmly I closed the crevice!

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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