Finding Peace Again Poem by Annie Marshall

Finding Peace Again

It has taken me 2 years to feel alive again. It all started about a year ago when I went into a vet's office to talk about adopting again. At first I couldn't believe my eyes, there he was. But i knew he died in the fire so it was my eyes playing tricks on me. The vet told me that his family had brought him in to be put down but there wasn't a thing wrong with him. He looked just like my Lil'One. Same markings and all. When i went to pick him up, he cuddled in my arms, meowed at me and even looked straight into my eyes as if to say, i have come back to take care of you again. I was so overwhelmed with tears that i adopted him that day. He knows when i am sad, he jumps on my lap and looks at me with those big blue eyes as if to say, its ok, i am here now. We named him Skittles and he's the joy of my life. I know he will never be Lil'One, who i had for 14 years and lost in the fire but he will never take his place, but he's the joy and brightness in my life and he gives me peace each day, He has helped me so much get over the grief of losing Lil'one,

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