First Dogs Poem by Paul Butters

First Dogs

Over thirty thousand years ago a pregnant she-wolf
And her mate lay hidden in the grass
Watching some of our human ancestors
Hunt with spears, bows and arrows.
They were very impressed
But more than that so hungry
That they followed those humans home
Hoping to steal some meat.

They were just about to snatch that food
When a humans appeared
All around them.
They were caught!
All they could do was look up with pleading eyes:
'Please don't kill us! We just want food.'
Seeing one of them was heavily pregnant
Those humans presumed them starving
And threw them meat
Then let them go!

Hungry again, they went back for more
And the humans fed them
And even stroked them.
This was so much better
Than having to search for prey
So often without reward.

And as time passed they took to accompanying these humans
On their hunts
Then ferreting out some prey for them to shoot
Rounding animals up
And retrieving those shot down by arrows.

Soon the rest of their pack joined them
And the female wolf had her pups
Near the human camp
Where it was safe.
She taught her pups
To plead for food and care
With their eyes and whines.

Those wolves remained forever,
Generation after generation
Each litter getting cuter
And softer
And more loving
Towards mankind.

And so they evolved
Into a seemingly endless variety
Of 'Dogs'.
From Rottweilers to tiny Poodles,
German Shepherds and Collies to Chihuahuas.
They became known as 'Man's Best Friend',
Showing us unconditional Love
And loyalty:
A bond like no other.
Even evolving raised eyebrows
And deeply sad eyes
To attract our love and care.
Domesticating themselves
Yet begging the question
Who is really 'the master'?
My money is on

Paul Butters

© PB 20\3\2021.

Saturday, March 20, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: dogs,nature
Inspired by a TV documentary on Animal Communication by Chris Packham.
Paul Butters

Paul Butters

Leeds, West Yorkshire.
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