Foggy Weather Poem by Chan Mongol

Foggy Weather

Today, my boys are with those crook riches;
Riches got palaces and sea-shore beaches.
Poor me and my poverty with terrible fate,
I failed to remove them from a wrong gate!

Children are hypnotized and do terrible actions,
Why do they give royals lives and donations?
Why do they follow those devils but not me?
Why my children are blind and why can't see?

Foggy weather and causing them impaired visions,
Even, rebels are dying without proper missions!
Why my boys are giving obedience to enemies?
In thewrong side, they put patience and promises!

Why not me over others as a father?
Why do children call daddy to another?
What I am lacking of in the hard day, today?
Why the revolution is defeating in that way?

Today, my boys are with those crook riches;
Riches got palaces and sea-shore beaches.
Poor me and my poverty with terrible fate,
I failed to remove them from a wrong gate!

Monday, November 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational
Dheeraj 27 November 2017

What a thought poet what a thought! ! Surely these days kids don't choose the right path and the greatest sorrow is you don't even guide them. They generally get attracted to the false temptations of life.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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