Fomoco Poem by Luke Easter


Two of the big three, GM and Chrysler took bail out money,
Ford said, we have enough bees to generate our own honey,
Going in the direction of the best selling truck ever, F-150,
Scale the fat off what doesn’t work & become more thrifty.

Fantastic high mileage Focus, popular Fusion midsize sedan,
When you are producing the #1 truck, they go hand in hand,
Ever present motto in the auto industry, “Quality Is Job 1, ”
Selling like hot cakes, what else to expect when it is done?

Now, where does the Escape rank amongst mid-size SUV’s?
Car magazines conduct numerous tests, the envelope please?
Up there with the worlds best selling vehicle its older brother,
Proudly for 35 straight years running and second to no other.

Ok, you can purchase a Silverado or shell out pesos for a Ram,
However, what sense would it make to use cotton for a damn?
And, why in the world settle for a horse race in place or show?
With the winner being the one worth the most amount of dough.

It is obvious Ford did their homework then they passed the test,
As one can only be better than the others just when it’s the best,
Where two are struggling to pay back multi-billion dollar loans,
The strongest is the company that didn’t run away from home.

Saw a picture of a 2013, immediately though Bimmer or Benz,
Sassy style, smooth lines, great mileage and it produced a grin,
Viewing the projected price I thought it was an optical illusion,
Ah, Kia or Hundai? Naw, just the league leading Ford Fusion.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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