Forbidden Poem by Phillip Ball


I don’t avoid there looks
I have no reason to
They never saw the pain.
Why should they be concerned about the cure
I don’t need their judgments
They will never know the cause of my salvation

The pain It grips me soul
With my face down, I run past the crowd
My breath grows short
My eyes stain red
I run to our hideaway
And you meet me there

You grab me by my hand
And you pull me in
As I look into your eyes
I realize, Its you
You are the one to show me Its ok to feel again
That its ok to hurt
You tell me everything will be alright

Yet, Even as comfort begins to set in
Paranoia rears its head
Will we be discovered
What will they say about us
What about the act its self
Will the mire claim our souls

You bring me back to the moment
Your voice is so gentle
Your touch so soothing
It heals all my wounds
This is paradise
Our own personal utopia

My soul screams that This is wrong
But as I look it your eyes
I Find peace and healing
Tears begin to flow
Your lips move in closer
You’re about to make this so much more difficult

I should get out while I can
Your offer Lingers in the air
It intoxicates me
Its what I need
Its my cure
No one has to know

They wouldn’t understand
They wouldn’t see the beauty
They would only see the projected wretchedness
Who cares about them
Or what a sinister society dictates as Love
This love is ours and ours alone

Is it really wrong
Can this feeling be wrong
Is this really so vile
After all
If we are the only once that exist
Who’s left to judge


i agree... the feeling of the story behind the words is comferting. ive never had the feeling but hopefully one day i do... wonderful work. keep it up.

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