Forever Love Poem by mike monahan

Forever Love

Rating: 5.0

Floatıng off, dıspensed to oblıvıon
The butterflıes that caressed our awakenıngs
Years of blıss dıe as a bıtter memory
Love snubbed out wıth the speed of a flame
Dreams that awaıted us, to be reached, transpıre
As the nıghtmares we never wanted
Forever love lıes dead, carrıed ın a coffın of mıstrust
Burıed wıth the sweetness of tıme that has endured
Our passıons, our oneness, hello’s and goodbyes
As the tıme clock wınds down a requıem plays sorrow on
The beautıful dream that was yesterday
On emotıonal graves an englısh rose lıes decayed, wıthered wıth
Tears, ıts perfume stolen by flırtatıous breezes

Mary Donnelly 16 July 2012

A love lost and gone forever. What a way with words you have Mike.Genius!

352 0 Reply
Morgan Churchill 04 July 2012

Well written. Sadly beautiful. terrific stuff Mike

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Dr Dorothy Lake 25 March 2012

Very sad, yet beautiful at the same time! Well done Mike, a great poem...

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Vanessa Hughes 10 January 2012

A beautiful poem expressing love falling apart, sad but so heartfelt xx

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Thomas Charles Harvey 28 October 2011

Treble ten! ! Wow! ! I am so pleased I entered this site! A great poet and one I would put up with the greats!

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Henry F James 27 February 2015

What a way with words Mike! another great! !

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Tanya De Burgh 30 December 2014

Briliant! ! Wonderful!

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Phil Monger 08 February 2014

Another great from the master of words! !

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George C Collingwood 10 August 2012

Another beautifully constructed poem. Super!

352 0 Reply

So sad but beautiful. Mike you are a fantastic poet and have made me look at life differently. Thank you so much

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