From The Draining Nest Poem by Jayatissa K. Liyanage

From The Draining Nest

Rating: 4.5

Yet another chick flew away
Left only a heart that did not sway
Bet, he will wear the crown one day
That’s the full debt, he needs to pay

We molded him to carry wings
Wings ought strong and gorgeous
Mentored, not to flutter but to flap
With the vision and mission in mind

We inspired and groomed him to fly
Fly and reach great heights
And he flew, flew in to blues
We looked up, in grief-joy mix

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: parenthood
Valsa George 11 September 2015

We do not know what a bird feels when the last chick leaves the nest! But we humans feel a mix of sorrow and joy! Though we dread the loneliness that follow, we are prepared to face the inevitable and experience great joy when we see our fledglings finally soaring into the wider sky! As parents, it is our duty to give our children wings! The higher they fly the greater will be our satisfaction! Enjoyed reading this sweet write!

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage 11 September 2015

Thank you Valsa for your observations and comment.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Walasmulla, Sri Lanka
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