Ghazal In English "Have You Seen? " Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Ghazal In English "Have You Seen? "

Rating: 5.0

Who says that we both are not together
Sky meets the earth, Have you seen?

Who says meeting of eyes unites the heart
Dreams meet the reality, Have you seen?

Who says they are happy, if together in the photo frame
Mouse playing with cat, Have you seen?

After several efforts, the hopes often die down
Every efforts do have achievements, Have you seen?

Though criminals are brought before the court
All of them getting punished, Have you seen?

You have done enough introspection by now
Heart and mind go together, Have you seen?

Friday, October 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophical
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 October 2020

Heart and mind go together in a parallel plane and share love side by side. Sky meets the heave and beauty meets nature. This Ghazal poem is very amazing and brilliantly penned.

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Mamta S 16 October 2020

Wonderful... Who says meeting of eyes unites the heart Dreams meet the reality, Have you seen?

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T Rajan Evol 16 October 2020

What a wonderful gazal you have written in English it makes meeting about life and assess the realities of life it's time to ponder and do introspection thank you so much

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* Sunprincess * 17 October 2020

The last few words have you seen has taken this Gazal to a different level

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Smith Taylor 17 October 2020

I was not fond of ghazals before now i think i can start reading

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Deepak S S 14 January 2021

Extra ordinary poem. Loved it.

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Shreya Hacks 01 January 2021

Wonderful ghazal

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Darren Jkoeryo 17 October 2020

Yes this poem creates an illusions about the life and its journey. We may see the terminology used but they far from realities.10**

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Varsha M 17 October 2020

Who says that we both are not together Sky meets the earth, Have you seen? ....yes at horizon Who says they are happy, if together in photo frame Mouse playing with cat, Have you seen? ....Tom and Jerry isn't it. You have done enough introspection by now Heart and mind go together, Have you seen? ..... every time

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Suresh Kumar Ek 17 October 2020

" Have you seen" ? The question reverberates In the mind. The Ghazal effect works. Thanks Asimji

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