God And Destiny Original: Assamese: Dipti Deori Borah Translation: Bibekananda Choudhury Poem by Dipti Deori Borah

God And Destiny Original: Assamese: Dipti Deori Borah Translation: Bibekananda Choudhury

Don't ever frighten me in the name of God
I know God is the greatest weakness for people
Like people are so worried about one providence
Some people wish to build a bridge in the name of God
To hell and heaven
And do not feel afraid to convert into own property
All the offerings made to God
They do not care for God
They know no one keeps any record of those after offering to God
They are the ones who speak of sin and virtue
They are the ones who frighten people in the name of religion
They are the ones who make a fool of the people again and again
They can never ever build a few lavatories or tubewells with the money from the offerings

So many people who speak of God
Make the poor lazy preaching of destiny
Raise money from the rich foretelling of future

Many people achieve so much in the name of God
And the shrewd among those
Pitch two words for the people
God and destiny

Dr Antony Theodore 30 December 2018

Dont ever frighten me in the name of God. God is loving and caring . why should you use the name of God to frighten to achieve your private goals. very nice poem and a great critical poem. tony

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