Goodbye Fear Poem by the prolific penman

Goodbye Fear

My response to you when you first walked into my
Life was a warm hello I allowed you to walk the
Halls of my mind I entertained many of the
Ideas you presented to me.

Truly it felt like love at first sight however as time
Passed by I found that I had grown weak then one
Day while I was cleaning out my closet I found
Self-confidence hiding in a box tucked away in a

After clearing the dust away, I looked inside what
I saw opened my eyes to what I had allowed you to
Do to me so out of love for myself I must let you go look
Fear I know I should have never said hello but at that time,
You seemed to be the only one who truly cared about my

You can keep the thoughts of yesterday when I felt like I
Wasn't good enough or smart enough, I no longer have
Use for the dreams of old either upon changing my mind
As well as turning my heart towards God a vision of greater
Things to come was presented to me.

I am not sad to see you go because a higher price was paid
For my soul, my happiness doesn't belong to you it belongs
To me plus I see that sitting and wallowing in my own self pity
Only shows how ungrateful I am, no longer will tears flow
Down my cheeks for today is a new day.

I am wiser now the scars are all but healed my mind is
No longer your home never again will you control my
Emotions or walk the now well lit halls of my mind I have
Come to see that a winner lives within me.

So take all your useless distractions with you that
Confused little boy does not lives here no more
The King is now showing himself my mistakes
Have made me wiser my life now has purpose
My thoughts have directions so I am letting go of your
Hand so that I can grasp a hold of faith this goodbye is
Forever because this time I will do much better than before.
Copyright © 2010 ~ the prolific penman

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the prolific penman

the prolific penman

Atlanta, Ga
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