Goodbye (From A Son To His Mom) Poem by Edward Anderson

Goodbye (From A Son To His Mom)

Rating: 5.0

On the night you said goodbye
I told God, I want you to die
because my heart ached
For your pain was real
and I knew your suffering
would never heal

So I laid in bed that night
As God had called you towards his light
All of my thoughts were now known
and the sound of the phone
rang out in our home

I ran out of my room and screamed
I knew what happened
that it wasn’t a dream
I watched as a grown man cried
for he knew also that his wife had died

My brother soon joined in
And he screamed as I just did
The person that brought us here
Was gone
and this was clear

All I knew was because of you
you gave us love as we both grew
you spent your life teaching us right
and we thank you mom for your tremendous fight

You did not want to go
You wanted to stay
and watch us grow
but your chosen time had come
We lost a mother
and cancer had won

I remember so well the last time I saw you
it was after school with my two friends who you knew
We brought you balloons and a little hippo
and you smiled and said hello

But your eyes and face did not look as they did
and your voice quivered
as your body shivered...
I stood at your bed with my face to the ground
and held your hand softly
without making a sound

how could I have known - what lied ahead
for all I knew - you were sick in bed
I was young and thought you would be fine
I wish I knew this would be our last time

Many years have passed by
Since you have gone - mom
But I know you will always be with me
And I shall never walk alone

On the night you said goodbye
God took your soul up high
away from us down here
to a place where there is no fear
but one day we will meet again
where the night and day never end
where people don't pass away
and words like goodbye…
We will never have to say….

Kat , sorrow 30 December 2008

I'm crying..........its a beautiful poem from your heart and soul thank you for shairing love Kat Sorrow

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Scott Austin 30 December 2008

This is a very tender piece of work you have written from your heart. The emotions you felt that day are surely felt in these words…May you find peace deep within your heart one day soon…. Best wishes Scott

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WOW wonderful poem....I love the ending I love how you expressed yourself the whole poem.. very nice KRISTA

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