Grandma's King-Sized Bed Poem by Margaret Whitsell

Grandma's King-Sized Bed

Kids at the bottom, kids at the head
All sleeping with Grandma in her king sized bed
She has another bedroom with a bed all made up nice
But they all want to sleep with Grandma in her king-sized bed
So she ends up sleeping with kids from the bottom to the head
They ask her to tell them a story about long ago, before to sleep they go
She tells of the things God has done for her
She tells of the pet pig Oscar, the cows, horses, chickens.
And a kitten named Machine Gun Mike, because of how loud he did purr
She tells of climbing trees and playing in the brook
And sometimes she just reads to them from a book
Then they say don't forget the prayers, so Grandma says the prayers
And they say pleasant and sweet dreams to each other
And each gets a hug and kiss from Grandmother
Pretty soon there isn't a peep and they are all sound asleep
Kids at the bottom, kids at the head
All sleeping with Grandma in her king-sized bed
In the morning Grandma's bones and muscles are so sore,
She feels like she's been in a fight
But she thinks it's alright
As she loves all these kids, God has sent,
Sleeping in her king-sized bed,
Some at the bottom and some at the head.

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