Green (Card) With Envy Poem by Edward Iacona

Green (Card) With Envy

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Edward Iacona

The search for a special partner
Can be frustrating and it vexes,
Re-joining the new world of dating
In the hope of finding my nexus.

Putting oneself on the Internet
Is a mix of ego and vulnerability.
So I delighted in the E-Mails from
Some women that want to know me.

Sure, I had some mixed feelings
But, why would I complain
About getting flirty letters from gals
That live in Ghana, Russia or Ukraine.

After a short while I realized with
Some Virgo like logic and clarity
That with some variations these
Letters have remarkable similarity.

It's sad to face life all alone.
I would love an arrow from Cupid.
But the absence of a soul mate
Just does not make me stupid.

I've seen her photo and she's seen mine
And this is real romance she'll insist.
I'm not bad looking for my age but
She might need a good optometrist.

Her pictures are simply gorgeous.
And, her wanting me is made clear.
There is no remorse in her writing
About giving up her modeling career.

Knowing the difference in our ages
Has not slowed her nor has stopped her
So? What relationship should I seek?
Should I date her or adopt her?

I'd relish some passionate foreplay
And doing what lover's oughta.
But, should I want that and more play with
A girl old enough to be my daughter.

I write back long thoughtful letters
And ask about some things she'd feel?
But, her letters in reply answer nothing
So, it is most likely she's not real.

She writes of her yearning for my true love
And wanting money from me, not a penny.
So, when she will no doubt ask for some,
I won't feel bad for not sending her any.

Wanting to be with me is her worthy goal.
Wanting to be with me so that we are whole.
Wanting to be my life mate is her desired role.
All her thoughts are of me, and part of her soul.

Such loving words bring smiles
This is what a true heart seeks
But real love is rare in life or text
Within only a matter of weeks.

This all flies in the face of reason.
Could she want to be my consort?
It's just a fantasy at any stage or age
But an image that's hard to thwart.

My letter to her is a simple one,
As I try to be of a fair sort.
'If you can get here let me know,
And I'll come get you at the airport.'

Edward Iacona

Edward Iacona

Brooklyn, New York
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