'' Ground Zero Has Risen From The Ashes '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Ground Zero Has Risen From The Ashes ''

September eleventh two thousand and one,
The day our Twin Towers became hell,
Decent people throughout the world,
Watched as our familes fell.

All decent people came together as one,
That gesture did help ease our pain,
We swear as we watch the rising sun,
This will never happen again.

Your killing is futile you will never win,
Our democracies will never be defeated,
What you are committing is a mortal sin,
Which is both evil and totally conceited.

United we must all stand together,
Against these poisonous rashes,
There will be no end to our tether,
Ground Zero will Rise From The Ashes.

As you murder our women and children at will,
Being a warrior is what you crave,
Truth is you're all just cowards who kill,
The innocents you murder are the brave.

Very soon there will come the day,
The murdering scum will be no more,
Those terrorists now in hell who caused the affray,
Your heinous deeds the world will deplore.

You are recreant poodles who are being used,
Ask your commanders why they don't die,
You are the ones who are being abused,
To these bastards suicide doesn't apply.

Your terrorist leaders will run with heads bowed,
While around them their empire crashes,
They will hear our cries as we shout out loud,
Ground Zero Will Rise From The Ashes.

Democracy is alien to people of hate,
They only believe in one voice,
That's why their countries are in such a state,
Their despots do not allow choice.

While they're living in luxury you are dying,
They all survive to a ripe old age,
You've left your spouse and chldren crying,
Because your brain you refused to engage.

Go ask your leaders why they choose to hide,
While you're out dying for their cause,
Their answer to you will be totally snide,
To question them is against their laws.

Your God sees the pain all you maniacs inflict,
So as your life in front of you flashes,
You will see like the Phoenix we did predict,

‘' Ground Zero Has Risen From The Ashes ‘'

In loving memory of all the innocents who died at Ground Zero, they may be gone but they will never be forgotten.
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