Ha Ha I Must Be Psychic! Poem by Emma Jane Rae

Ha Ha I Must Be Psychic!

I think today has been a real good day,
when suddenly all those nights,
that were full of tears,
seemed worth it,
i know its strange,
but something has clicked,
in this mixed up head of mine,
i felt all that pain and anger be drawn away from me,
out of my body like a ghostly spirit,
it was something i could sense but could not see,
i think i have finally realised,
that i have wasted my time,
my tears and my efforts on you,
coz by the sight of you today,
it couldn't have been your looks,
you looked warn out and tired,
and pretty feb up with your b*tch,
that was when i started smiling to myself,
i got the distinct impression,
what went around has come around,
and your in the middle if it,
but i felt pleased with myself when you,
were looking back at me driving my car,
you face said it all,
you've made that big mistake i said you would,
look at her compared to me,
i look like a model,
i'm slim, blonde and acturly quite a looker,
but shes fat, grotesque with moles on her face,
and looks more like a hooker,
i felt pleased that you finaly got it wrong,
i cant even call you a man,
your just a thing,
and next to your b*tch, you look like a kid,
it's not a pretty sight, it's acturly quite sad,
that your girlfriend looks more like the lad,
well have a nice life in your miserable world,
and think of me each day,
being happier than ever,
without you in my life! !

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