Halloween Holiday Poem by Daniel Cobb

Halloween Holiday

It's no ordinary ocean - it goes on forever;
Like no place you have been, ending never.
It's wave after wave of sorrow and fear,
A tide of terror - an ocean of tears.

Souls meet their graves - within the black waves;
Their dreams are dead - nightmares are there instead.
Sinking in your sorrow - drowning in your doubt;
You don't even know what life's all about.

Let the waves take you away;
Your soul is lost - it's here to stay.
Blood splashes up against the shore;
You don't want to live anymore.

The wind keeps whispering your name,
Wondering why you came.
Now there's nothing you can do;
You're trapped there too.

She stood between life and death,
Where time is short and but a breath.
Whispering in the wind, she cried,
For all her dreams had died.

The waves could consume her whole;
They would swallow up her soul.
So deep and dark - so cruel and cold;
The sea must've been ages old.

Her hair waved in the wind,
As she walked into the water.
Descending into the darkness,
She kept going deeper.

Her footprints were forgotten,
So no one else would know;
Taken by the tides of time,
By the dark Sea of Shadows.

One night while I walked through the wood,
I came across a sign that stood.
It warned me this was the wrong way,
But I kept going anyway.

As I wandered, I grew weary,
Twisted trees so dark and dreary.
Through the branches, starlight shows;
What secrets they hide nobody knows.

I took a deep breath and tried to be brave;
Up ahead, I could see an unmarked grave.
The truth is what I fear the most;
I flee from it just like a ghost.

In silence then a stranger stood;
With a weapon hidden under her hood.
Why didn't I stay home where it was safe
Like my mother said I should?

Wait, traveler, taking warning;
You must stay here until morning.
It's dangerous outside tonight;
A witch is hidden out of sight.

In her lair, she will lie,
Waiting for you to pass by.
When morning comes, others will find
No trace of you has been left behind.

And as the wind sweeps through her hair,
You find yourself lost in her seductive stare.
Moving so quickly, you could swear
That she was never really there.

Every word I speak is true;
Stay here - or it will happen to you.
Heed my words, or you'll become
Her next chosen victim.

Running through a meadow, I danced in the golden sunlight;
Swimming in sapphire seas - sleeping under emerald palm-trees.
I woke up in the night - evil spirits surrounded me;
Wolves snapped at a sheep with their teeth.

I fell through my own trap - they chained me in my sin,
And led my heart to the point of hypocrisy again.
I was held captive under guard and angels tried to save me;
A prisoner of pride, my own lust had enslaved me.

The wolves feasted upon us late at night;
They fed on all our frustration and fright!
I heard mournful moans from an abandoned abyss;
I grasped at the bars and pounded with my fist!

I saw a Shepherd hanging on a tree;
He let them tear His flesh for me.
That night, the wolves raised their heads high;
The Lamb of God lay down to die.

Claws grip the ground tight as I run
Toward the tower weighing a ton.
I swing no sword. No swift steed do I ride;
From no foe of hell will I hide.
Racing faster, I pass an arrow;
I sink my teeth in, tasting the marrow.
Through my waving fur coat winter winds blow,
Tearing past trees as my evil eyes glow.

Stopping on a hilltop, I stand,
Looking across the land.
I bare my teeth and give a growl;
Others answer my howl.
Alone again, the gray wolf cries,
Under a starlit sky.
Suddenly, everything grows silent;
Nature is very violent.

Like a bird, the deer flies;
Then it falls down and dies.
Behold the beasts - swift and strong;
Gather to feast - unite in song.
Now watch as they wait patiently,
Pounce on their prey and pull it away.
Together they drag down a kill;
They won't rest 'till they've had their fill.

In the dark shadows, with a silent stare;
These predators are on the prowl.
Lifting their heads into the air,
They let out a long howl.
When other wolves reply,
Let blood fall from the sky.
Raise your head and kiss the moon;
Now the night is coming soon.

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