Hands Attached To Limp Wrists Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Hands Attached To Limp Wrists

Too many still seek to use,
The same overdone replaying of excuses.
With an intention meant to berate,
Anyone subjected to listen to them.
To eventually disregard the act of this,
In an apparent show of having no respect.

Too many still seek to abuse,
Those who accept and choose this nonsense.
As if their doings done had been approved.
To then await in expectation to hear...
A forgiveness of expressed mistakes,
Once again heard to be given when mentioned.

Only those exposing a lack of backbone,
Would tolerate a repeating of misdeeds...
Upon them inflicted.
With a belief a benefit to remain patient and tolerant,
Welcomes an understanding from those accustomed...
To a feeding of slick trickness as their disrespect is accepted.

Only those exposing a lack of backbone,
Will allow themselves to sit and agonize...
Over someone else's habitual performances,
To be the one left upset regretting as tears drip...
They could speak with words chosen and quickly directed,
And not have hands attached to limp wrists.

Too many still seek to use,
The same overdone replaying of excuses.
With an intention meant to berate,
Anyone subjected to listen to them.
To eventually disregard the act of this,
In an apparent show of having no respect.

Too many still seek to abuse,
Those who accept and choose this nonsense.
As if their doings done had been approved.
By those exposing a lack of backbone,
Sitting with wishes to be more defiant and direct...
Yet protect they do hands attached to limp wrists.

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