Happy Birthday Ben Poem by Jim Yerman

Happy Birthday Ben

Today we wish Happy Birthday to Ben Cohen a man who set the world aflame
So much so that we’ve come to know him by his first, not his last name.

In 1978 he teamed up with his longtime childhood friend, Jerry
Together they transformed ice cream forever with their unique use of dairy.

Yes, Ben and Jerry took a correspondence course and a whole new world unfurled
When in Burlington, Vermont they changed the ice cream world.

They brought flavors like Phish Food and Half Baked for the world to taste and see
They gave us Cookie Dough, Fossil Fuel and Chocolate Therapy.

They’ve given us Chunky Monkey, they even lace some of their pints with jam
They’ve given us Karamel Sutra and Blueberry Vanilla Graham.

I could go on and on naming flavors that whet the appetite and tease
But I can’t, you see I have to stop typing...I’m drooling all over my keys.

Ben is also a social activist someone we can embrace
As he tries in his own way to make the world a better place.

Wether or not you agree with his politics...how can this man be faulted
When he brings us Peanut Butter Fudge and Caramel that’s been salted!

The man who brought us Imagine Whirled Peace, Cheesecake Brownies and Cinnamon Buns
Has shown he’s got a sense of humor and is not afraid of puns.

For opening our world to new flavors, today we say thank you, Ben
Oh no! I’m thinking of Cherry Garcia and I’m starting to drool again.

So let me bring this poem to an end but instead of singing that birthday tune
I’ll be going to the freezer and getting out my spoon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Food
Gajanan Mishra 18 March 2014

very good poem, I like it, thanks. Please read my poems and comment.

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