Happy Birthday To My Child Poem by Hebert Logerie

Happy Birthday To My Child

Happy Birthday To My Child

It was yesterday that you were born
I can vividly remember everything
That led to that beautiful afternoon
The sky was perfect, which was a big thing
At this time of the year, in this wintry season.

In any event, that was a wonderful day
A kaleidoscopical day that you, of course, can only wonder
However your mother and I will always remember
The first cries, the first tears and the first day
That we spent together as a unit, as one.

The Almighty God has been good to us, as a family
And despite the natural ups and downs of life,
We can honestly say that we’ve been blessed and lucky.

On this special occasion, I want to reassure you
That I, your dad, will forever be there to protect you
And to love you, as long as I am alive
And the unwavering waves of love that I feel for you
Will never dissipate, as long as I am alive.

You know that I expect you to do your homework
With the help of the Almighty Jehovah
You will always follow the right and correct path
And the entire family and I will support and work
With you until the last breath, until the last laugh.

Copyright© January 8,2012, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several poetry books:
‘Etincelles de l’Amour’, ‘Monts et Vallées de l’Amour’,
‘Sparkles of Love’ and ‘Mounts and Valleys of Love’
https: //www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx? bookid=58359
http: //www.poemhunter.com/hebert-logerie/

P.S. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter, Betsy.

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