He Creates The Storm Poem by Gary James Smith

He Creates The Storm

Rating: 5.0

He Creates The Storm

He creates the storm
That He'll help you walk on through
Though it may seem impossible
With Him it's possible too
Not a situation escapes
The mind of our great God
He's the God of the impossible
It's proven in His Word

With just two loaves and five fish
He feed five thousand men
He turned water into wine
At the marriage of a friend
When Lazarus was dead four days
And his family in deep grief
He shouted "Lazarus come forth'!
And strengthened their belief

When Satan thought he had Him
Upon that cruel cross
Hanging there so powerless
His life seemingly worthless
And counted his short victory
With the demons with much glee
Three days later turned to gloom
When they found the tomb Empty!

The God of the impossible
Is still possible to know
He can take your darkest sin
And wash it white as snow
For in the blood of Calvary's Lamb
Was God's perfect sacrifice
In His Son our precious Saviour
Who paid sin'sransom price

So what's the storm you're in today
Has it got your stomach churning
Then cry outto the ever present God
A taste of His life be learning
For He is greatly to be praised
Who loves us in spite of our sin
And can take your life and turn it around
A guaranteed possibility with Him!

Copyright April 2420189: 19am

Gary James Smith

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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