Hedgehog Poem by Paul Muldoon


Rating: 3.6

The snail moves like a
Hovercraft, held up by a
Rubber cushion of itself,
Sharing its secret

With the hedgehog. The hedgehog
Shares its secret with no one.
We say, Hedgehog, come out
Of yourself and we will love you.

We mean no harm. We want
Only to listen to what
You have to say. We want
Your answers to our questions.

The hedgehog gives nothing
Away, keeping itself to itself.
We wonder what a hedgehog
Has to hide, why it so distrusts.

We forget the god
under this crown of thorns.
We forget that never again
will a god trust in the world.

from 'Poems 1968-1998'

Gary Corseri 24 October 2014

This poem is safe in every sense of the word! One would hope for a lot more from the Poetry Editor of The New Yorker! A lot more cleverness, oomph, and originality!

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Raymond Farrell 10 April 2015

My sentiments exactly.

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Zug Standing Bear 26 December 2014

For the past 18 years have been operating a nationwide nonprofit hedgehog rescue. I have cared long-term for nearly 400 hedgehogs during that time with our resident population usually ranging between 30 and 50. Looking at Muldoon’s collected works, it does not appear that he is especially interested in hedgehogs, but, of course, has had the benefit of being around them in nature in his home country, Ireland. The hedgehog is unusual as a wild animal for several reasons. First they are among the very oldest live-bearing mammals on earth, having hung out with dinosaurs, and second, among virtually all wild animals, they do not flee or attack at the approach of a human, but simply roll into a ball of protective quills, and then only if made nervous. I thought so much of the poem that I used it as the frontispiece of Volume 1 of my “Hedgehog Chronicles” titled “The Gathering: Secretly Saving the World, ” which is a metaphorical series on the ethics of warfare featuring hedgehogs. To me, knowing hedgehogs as I do, the poem resonated with a number of issues long considered (back to the Greek lyric poet Archilochus – c.680 to c.645 BCE) by humans in the hedgehog-human relationship. The so-called “hedgehogs dilemma” (Schopenhauer and Freud) concerning the problems of intimacy only adds to the mystery of these defensive animals that have somehow survived ice ages. They are, at once, zany yet predictable; defensive yet endlessly curious; affectionate but sometimes aggressive. So, to an experienced hedgehog caretaker, the startling end to the Muldoon poem makes absolute sense. Con cordiali saluti, Z. G. Standing Bear at The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue, Inc., in Divide, Colorado, USA

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 January 2024

ONE: A metaphorical representation of the hedgehog's self-protective nature. The hedgehog is a symbol of isolation and self-preservation, while the snail represents the opposite, as it shares its secrets with others.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 January 2024

TWO: The poem is a commentary on the human desire to connect with others and the fear of being vulnerable.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 13 July 2024


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Sylvia Frances Chan 13 July 2024

A metaphorical representation of the hedgehog's self-protective nature. The hedgehog is a symbol of isolation and self-preservation, while the snail represents the opposite, as it shares its secrets with others.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 January 2024

Congratulations being chosen by Poem Hunter and Team as The Modern Poem Of The Day. Most deserving, TOP Marks! Thank you so much for sharing

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 January 2024

FOUR: It also touches on the theme of trust, as the hedgehog's distrust of others is a result of past experiences. Overall, the poem is a poignant reflection on the human condition and the importance of respecting others' privacy and boundaries

1 1 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 27 January 2024

THREE: The hedgehog's refusal to share its secrets is a reminder that some things are best kept private, and that it is important to respect others' boundaries.

1 1 Reply
Paul Muldoon

Paul Muldoon

County Armagh / Northern Ireland
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