Hell's Eternity Poem by Rose Marie Cook

Hell's Eternity

And so the end is here
My blood is finally all spilled
My damaged life over
And Death stands over my old body

My spirit soars free
My soul belongs to the devil
The demons grab at my flesh
Tearing and tearing as if they have never eaten

So this is my future
This is where I belong
Down in a fiery cave
With creatures and no name

My identity gone
My problems dissolved
My head hung low
As the sirens call

They call my name
Take all my strength
Pull me under
And lock me down

My old heart beats
Cries out in pain
They smash it to pieces
Before they move onto me

They strip me of my freedom
They snatch my individuality
They snare at my struggle
They mark me all around

Taking turns they destroy my being
They cut me open and tear my organs apart
Claws replace their cold hands
They shred and shred till they think I'm empty

Then toss my corpse aside
I watch in horror as a new victim drops in
And it all begins again.

They chain us together
And they make us march
Through the hot pools of lava
And into the darkness that they call hell.

We are nothing
Forever are we forgotten
And here we will stay
Down in the depths of hell

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