Hidden Desire Poem by Jo Lynn Ehnes

Hidden Desire

Behind the veil of peaceful dreams
a dark illusive force appears.
He calmly kneels beside my bed;
his brush of passion quells my fears.

His clouded face eludes my sight,
except his eyes of deepest brown;
a tender kiss from hidden lips,
a slow caress beneath my gown.

Arising he extends a hand,
inviting me to join his dance.
A magic cloud envelops me;
impels my heart to take a chance.

Engaging in a lover's song
he twines emotions with desires
and gently guides seduction's waltz
into a realm where joy inspires.

He softly cups my milky breasts
as heated moisture paints designs.
His fingers slowly sketch a trail
into the cleft where warmth combines.

Excitement steers his teasing touch;
sensations craft a rainbow arc,
inciting him to breach the gap,
infuse his flame; ignite the spark.

Eruptions with volcanic might
create a streaming lava flow.
Elation's light adorns my face
with rays of pleasure's afterglow.

Enwrapped within his soothing hug,
my eyes confront his amber stare,
requesting that he lift the mask,
reveal the man whose love was rare.

A good-bye kiss he softly gives,
then silently departs the night.
My spirit's left to wondering;
whose face was hidden from my sight?

Jo Lynn Ehnes

Jo Lynn Ehnes

Alliance, Nebraska
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