Hnic - Obama In Two-Thousand Hate! Poem by The Minute Menace

Hnic - Obama In Two-Thousand Hate!

Get a black president
into the white house!
Get a Joe in there
that's not Government Issued.
Put a man in charge
that'll turn everything inside out!
That is asking us to believe
not just in him
but in ourselves as well!

Put a man in there
that presents an ambitious agenda
that includes:
an end to the profitable war,
elimination of poverty,
universal health care
and independence in energy.
That challenges a new generation
to help him transform the nation
(going so far
as invoking memories
of Abraham Lincoln!)

Put a man in front
that inspire a lot of people to get involved
who weren't before
or who may have been once
but lost heart.
Maybe the electorate this time
will look a little different
with an opponent that that fails
to generate much enthusiasm
even from his own party.

Who knows how things may turn out?
Will we have a historical vote turnout?
Will it be a landslide victory for one party
Or will there be a recount
And end in Supreme Court?

Now let's add the fact that his name
sounds like the current evasive terror
that America with all its might
is unable to get its hands on…
That he's willing to apologize
for our government's global errors
and international blunders.
Add that he's young and game
with a princely charisma
and he wants to concentrate his efforts
on what goes on inside our borders
(and thus weaken the empire) .
That he's not in the industrial-military-congress game
with no overt ties with lobbyists
and actually thinks
the decisions are HIS to make

Will the elusive American Dream prevail
against the exclusive National Interests?
Will America come again under attack
or can isolationism make a comeback?
Will the ways of Washington change
or will it be more of the same?
Will he beat Bill's record with the ladies
Or will we have another Kennedy conspiracy
like Jack and Bobby?

I'm very much afraid…

It's been a while since we had
presidential hope to assassinate!

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