Honourable Man Poem by Bobbie Othigo

Honourable Man

Talk them nice words to me,

That's what I need,

Lie between your white teeth,

To crowds that cheer here beneath,

Nor would it do any harm,

Tell it with all the charm

A mind to fully disarm,

Tell it and end with a grin,

Then allow me to dream,

Make it seem very real, this fantasy,

I might just swallow the great fallacy,

Man, do no break this trance,

Utter not too stupidly by chance,

That's how to break a trance,

Yet you can claim confidently quite,

T'was on our part a misquote,

Claim so and I will totally believe,

Breathe then a sigh of relief.

You're young; a chin shows a beard scarce,

Foretells a future, my future, of hard yoke and scars,

Long life sir, but in all hold the trance!

Take secretly, silently, what is mine,

Don't be caught, that is just fine,

Take what is mine tot by tot

Remember, aim is forever to keep afloat,

Then know when's right to steal and gloat,

Man, do not rock this boat!

Wallow in the riches,

I'll tolerate you my honourable leech,

Bite gently so I do not flinch,

Hold trance as inch by inch

I draw near and fall into the resting ditch,

Then wince, man, it's yours now to flinch.

Come to my wake,

Shed a tear for the moment's sake,

Steal this show by the grave,

The politics we need, we sorely crave,

Liven up the funeral sombre,

Before men from grief are yet sober,

Throw in humour for life is sad,

Not a lot, just an unnecessary tad,

Own it, that shaky podium,

Your wise words are such soothing opium,

I pray do not shatter the trance.

Hold the wonderful trance,

Show not this suffering man his folly,

Reveal not by slightest glimpse, perchance

The better, the best man to lead

Stands where he stands in this field,

Man, fasten the trance!

Snatch every single moment and shine,

Fill them head to little toe with wine,

They can only elect you in,

Keep you in,

If you have them drunk within,

Man I implore you, hold the trance!

Sunday, April 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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