Hoping For The Beat. Poem by chizitere ojiaka

Hoping For The Beat.

My heart just beat again...
Oh no it didn't but how come
I breath?

Black is red now, yes blood
has taken over.
Or is it not blood that i see?

Streets are full of streams
Streams not of water, but of
Blood and tears.

How can my heart not beat,
When panic overwhelms my

Oh I still speak of me,
And forget you who lie stylishly
On black, now red.

You have been dumped in your
Own blood.
How heartless!

I want to carry you home now
But I can't because my feet cannot
Stop running.

I hear a heartbeat now.
Could it be yours?
Am far away from you now
But i hear your heart beat in my ears.

A bullet just caught Lalah.
Another heartbeat is lost.
How long can I hold mine?
How long will it beat?

Can i still hope, with all these bullets
Stopping our hearts?
I hope still... Still i hope...

Adi Cox 04 July 2009

You create a poem here of a dire situation, of drastic action. The red of blood and the horror that some people face is expressed here and felt by the reader that has not lived through such trouble. I am almost dodging the bullets that come out of your writing. Well done.10/10

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rago rago 01 July 2009

hopint for the beat very very nice with al these bullets stopping our hearts I hope still........ let the bullets stop and peace prevails all over but when? ........

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chizitere ojiaka

chizitere ojiaka

orlu, imo state Nigeria
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