Hot Air - Freedom For Psychopaths Poem by Kevin Patrick

Hot Air - Freedom For Psychopaths

Rating: 5.0

Imagine if we were on a plane, some 747 whale
Heading 20 000 ft in the air
We all sit snugly in our seats
Protected by an aluminum shell
guarding us against imminent death
Mothers sitting soundly by children
Watching the cotton candy clouds
Looking for god and the angels hidden their
Then suddenly a man gets out of his seat
Heads toward the door, and attempts to open it
The stewardess yells at him to stop
But he looks at her and says that he wants fresh air
Its his right he says
Its his choice he yells
Its his freedom he screams
You cant deny him his freedom
As he attempts to open the depressurized door
That will almost certainly lead to our deaths
But its his freedom
He says if we stop him it's a conspiracy
That outside there is nothing to be afraid of
"there's air" he says fresh air
So he tries to pry the door open
And as he does, he sucks us all out
Behind the clouds where the angels hide
And even though he just killed everyone.
At least he has his freedom

And That is an anti maskers logic

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: mockery
Watching people who refuse to take just the basic precautions in these times has made me realize that in terms of empathy and compassion we are turning backwards. The paranoid alt-right ghouls are the people who proclaim liberty and the expense of civility.
Bharati Nayak 26 August 2020

A very timely write in the backdrop of millions of death due to Covid-19.When our freedom of not wearing masks put the lives of other people in perils, we are responsible for the sufferings and deaths of those people.Just tolerating a little bit of inconvenience would restrict the spread of pandemic.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 August 2020

This poem is very amazingly penned with much beauty and this is well expressed as per your perception....10

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 August 2020

Flying very high in flight every person acquires the strength of perception. This poem is very amazing and we move with your poem in flight. Mothers sound to children to see the dancing cotton bunches of clouds and they enjoy the journey. The man who gets out of his seat and tries to open the gate is definitely very risky for this journey. This may bring trouble. He has his freedom to control self. Angels hide behind clouds!

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Yoonoos Peerbocus 28 August 2020

rights could be abused/misused to the detriment of other people's rights..excellent on a fundamental topic

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Leeann Azzopardi 27 August 2020

Oh how true it is. Wonderful poem that my Trump-lovin' cousin and Trump himself should read. Bravo!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 27 August 2020

A well penned poem. Excellently executed....10++++++

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