I Am A Poet Poem by James Darwin Smith II

I Am A Poet

Many poems from the heart written
Those for which came from deep depths within
Dedication from a poet's muse
A loving nature so naturally felt
Elegies, what they truly ended being

Hope is torment
When the heart is let down
Falling, spiraling down in doubt
Many dedications
Lost to eyes never wanting to see
Or to those who want a quick ego trip
Behold, to the eyes of the bewildered

The hope for the light
Can be worse than that of the dark
So easy to fall
Into an abyss laden in utter turmoil
Blinded in great misery
In fiery depths of self
And the dead end seized

But that is not how I feel
At least at this time
I fight and fight and fight
To give peace to this very soul
And to a mind so full of thoughts
Writing down at will
Everything that I can
No matter where I may go from there

This heart has felt many adventures
From good to bad, to great, even to worst
All the while keeping a solid beat
To all of my life's work
Breathing in each word
As they come alive as my own child
Amongst stanzas and verses
All sometimes blessings, yet at times curses

But I am a fighter no matter what

Stronger than those weakened by doubt will ever know
More free than those whom are enslaved by judgement's woe
Deeper than shallow they waters they obediently behold
Those who question me with negativity will always shrink within
As I keep growing

I will keep writing of love and other things
No matter what happens at each moment's time
To express myself freely is true salvation
No matter whom disrespect's
Or respects the methods of myself living life

No matter how many eyes have seen each work
I will always give everything I could ever give
Giving everything within a voice to let out
All together never casting any doubt
Upon the art I cherish
Poetry, The exploration towards uncharted realms
Beyond these visions could ever seize

To certain others things may not be so sacred
Me, Poetry is the lungs to the air I breathe
The shining stars of unlimited possibilities
An endless work for much improvement
A history lesson for self to learn as I go

I am a poet
A deadbeat artist to narrow minds

A giant to those who fail to grow

I am a poet, Proud as can be
I am a poet, Strong and free
I am a poet, yes, indeed

What do you think of me now?
Does it really matter anymore?

Judgement is reserved to those who are too afraid to bleed


Written on 11/23/16
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