I Am Wind Poem by Neera Lollbeeharry

I Am Wind

Rating: 4.5

I am Wind...
I blow freely wherever I want to blow,
I glide over your body tickling your skin.
I sing and murmur piping into your ears.
I unruffle your hair and tease your limbs.
You breathe in my air, a life force for you,
And capture my vibes in your fiery heart.
I sing and dance and blow up inside you
The fuel of your innermost creative fire.

I am untamed...
I am Nature' s most capricious child.
When angry I scream and become wild.
I topple down the world into total chaos,
As I rush at a hundred in an single hour.
Nature, my keeper, herself fears my temper,
And lets down her rain to appease my anger.
I become then force in an utmost motion,
A destructive power that forces devotion.

I am unique...
My makers call me their favorite masterpiece,
A fruit of their combined vision and artistry.
Earth, Sun and Sea, all toil in complicity,
To infuse in me air and give shape to me.
I am a mix of pairs of contradictory forces,
Where hot meets cold and torrid, cold ices.
I am a crossroad of the fierce and the calm,
Where the frail low binds with the immensely warm.

I am an artist...
A creator, shaping and fashioning in her own right,
I carve a mad scenery, across my dear mother's hide.
I draw out large ripples over my father's blue heart,
To change his silence into deep, broadening smiles.
My solar, warm sister whose heat I like to capture,
I carry to warm hearths and burn raging fires.
My breaths renew and invigorate my makers' core,
As I gloat and revel and I spread vibrant chimes.

I am a charmer...
I am what adds drama to the ordinary dullness.
I can become sweet and lull you to deep sleep,
Only to shake you up with a storm if it I feel.
I know how to soothe, to cool, carry and bear,
But my vile temper you need, surely to beware.
My caresses can lead you to a rapture of shivers,
But my blows are hard and hurting...be aware!
My force you cannot tame, only bear my whims.

I am strength...
Freedom and Driving Force are my second nature.
I am my own master and I blow where I want to.
I am a tough queen, do not mess with my silence,
I might just wipe you out with one slight little breath.
To catch and crib me is an unattainable dream,
For I dwell in groves and the untamingly wild.
Though you can saddle me and ride upon my wings,
I will never let you catch me, for none possesses the wind.

I Am Wind
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Johny lin 12 May 2021

hate it the most and wrong

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Jazib Kamalvi 31 October 2017

A nice poetic imagination, Neera. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks.

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