I Love You Because….. Poem by Kristy Artmann

I Love You Because…..

Rating: 5.0

I love you simple because you’re you….
My days with you are never blue….
You’re kind, gentle, loving, giving….
You’re warm hearted, hardworking, and caring…
You make me feel good as a person…
My face has a permanent smile on it when you’re around…..

You’ve shown me what love truly is….
You make me feel special, loved, and important….
You make me laugh on the inside as well as the outside…
You want the same things out of life….
You like closeness as much as I do….

You’re everything I want in a man….
You’re one of few, you’re a real man….
You’re a wonderful father, friend, and companion…
Simply put you're the man..the one I love with all my heart....

~Kristy C. Artmann~ © 2008

Kathy Langlois 21 May 2008

That is sweet and very kind.the man you wrote this about needs to open his eyes up and remember what he had.

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Christian Eliab Ratnam 18 April 2008

Beautifully written...sincere...direct...clear....and wonderfully developed! I'd be one of the happiest men on earth had this poem been written for me. Great Write!

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Stacy Lofton 08 February 2008

Extremely good...and very sweet!

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Bill Thomas 08 February 2008

Utterly beautiful, Kristy - good poetry & wonderful feeling. Your man is very, very lucky. Thank you.

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Howard Johnson 08 February 2008

Kristy, I hope you have givin, this to 'your man', He desirves to see it, , excellent write,

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Kristy Artmann

Kristy Artmann

McComb, MS
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