I Never Knew I Was A Poet Poem by Hebert Logerie

I Never Knew I Was A Poet

I never knew I was a Poet
Until I started to write
Until I see that I can never be a puppet
Until I realize that I am not afraid to fight
For the right ideologies, for the right reasons
At all time, at all seasons
Until I can no longer sing
Because my voice is blocked
By the pain and suffering
Of my siblings who are white and black
I am absolutely against bigotry and injustice
I pray the gorgeous Lady of Liberty and Justice
Will always stand with the people who are destitute
And the poor who have never been at the Institute.

I never knew I was a Poet
Until tears start flowing in my eyes
From time to time. I never claimed to be a prophet
However, sometimes I can hear the cries
Of a lot of people who are unnecessarily in pain
And I can see so many who are suffering in vain
I never knew I was a Poet
Until I started to love everybody
I started to be strong and to gain more energy
To denounce what's wrong and what's right
And until I've come to realize that I cannot rhyme
All the time, I'm out of words and that's not a crime.

Copyright © February 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poems,poet,poetic expression
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