I Remember Poem by Lynn Stillman

I Remember

Rating: 4.8

you said you would
always be there for me.
You even wrote those
very words, on a piece of paper
so that I would not forget.
I still have that note,
though it is crumpled
and worn by my tears,
which have made some
of the words hard to read.
You gave that to me,
so I would not forget,
or have any doubts.
Then you moved miles away,
I guess that love does not travel well.
I would imagine it is easy,
from a a distance, to forget people.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Funny, you were the one
that taught me to trust again.
You said you would never hurt me.
Because of that, I stopped
hurting myself.
I remember everything,
you have forgotten.
So now as the blood flows
from my wounds,
like the tears from my eyes,
just remember,
I am thinking of you.

Just a doctor I had who broke my heart
Payal Parande 13 September 2012

so heartfelt i do agree with sir captian cur..... i am speechless and no word can define what i am feeling right now, thank you for sharing, love payal

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Captain Cur 07 August 2012

Sorry to hear you were hurt. Not much a pirate can say to make thinks any better, except if he was the doctor on my ship we would use him for parts. Now it is never good to get rid of your own Doctor but I never said we were smart pirates. So remember the best part of him, discard all the rest.

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Robin Bennett 03 August 2012

Wow Lynn, This truly is a great piece! ! ! I can really relate to this so very well. The sting of betrayl. So many lovely lines, great word choices. Leaves me envious of the most wonderful write!

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