I Struggled But Lost Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

I Struggled But Lost

The silence cuts deep in my heart
I lock up the feelings and fall apart
Why do you mock me why do you sneer
Don't you see that i need this near
My souls cries out as my body un folds
And here to your face my chest will behold
The stories come closer as i feel the sweet taste
My body's been mangled and the shadows will lace
Around my frame and pull me so tight
And my struggles do nothing so here I'll loose this fight
I'm trapped in emotion, an every day thing
But nothing is helping and so i will bring
The darkness to death and I'll kiss it so sweet
Cause its time for the razor and wrist to meet
So crimson will flow and the warmth feels so good
The blood starts to drip just like i knew it would
So taint the knife and start this game
Cause misery is making me go insane
Why dose it love to toy with my mind
Is seems to smother and starts to combine
I'll fall to the floor and I'll let my sight blur
My soul will be broken and my body will sire
Oh God sweet death please touch my heart
So the wonderful darkness will tear me apart
Do not save me love for now its my time
Cause i was doomed from my bind
With crimson sweet wound that holds on to my chest
Will you forget me or will you be blessed
With the memories of me or will they be dead
With in your mind and you'll watch my bed
Alone and cold as the winds hold regret
But please of please never forget
The struggle i had to hold on to life
But now it appears I've died by my knife

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