I Should Have Listen To My Fears Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

I Should Have Listen To My Fears

I thought they said to give love a chance
I thought it was said to let your self go
Don’t let fear consume you and embrace how you feel
So I took a risk and placed my heart in my hands
Opened them up before you and offered it
But you turned away and my heart fell to pieces
The distance swept in and I feel so alone
Why did I do what I never have before
Why did I let you in when I should have closed that door
I was so vulnerable and so easy to break
Yet I threw away fear and showed you the way
I let my self go and stop holding back how I feel
But I cant see threw these bury tears
I cant count how many times I was scared
To never tell you how I really feel and for you to open up first
But my emotions got the best of me and I cracked
I exposed my self for the real deal and you rejected me
So now I sit alone, thinking of what I’ve done
Did I ruin this some how, by letting you in
Did I set my self up to be broken again
I trusted you with everything I held
I fought time and time again to keep this right
Yet you threw me to the side
Like an unwanted burden upon your hands
So I feel degraded and morally wronged
I let you break so many rules for what cause
For me to be broken all over again
I thought love was suppose to be good
Not as painful as a flesh wound
My tears won’t stop bleeding down
My heart won’t stop screaming
I risked too much on you
And now I got burned

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