I Wish I Knew Poem by ESPN CHICK

I Wish I Knew

I wish I knew why you are always on my mind
Cause all my thoughts seem to be focused on you
I wish I knew why I feel the way I do
Cause I really don't know its unexplainable

I wish I knew why you make my heart melt away
Why are you the only one I feel this way about
I wish I knew how I feel about you
Cause I'm not sure

I wish I knew why I smile every time I think of you
And that's every minute of everyday
I wish I knew what to do
Cause you have no idea how I feel

I wish I knew how to tell you
But I don't even know where to begin
I wish that you didn't live nine hours from here
But you do and there's nothing I can do

I wish I knew why you make me shaky inside
You always seem to have the right words to say
I wish I knew how to tell you everything
Especially how I feel cause in a way its killing me holding it inside

January 8,2008

Sarah Abdullah 08 January 2008

WOAH Its wonderful ^_^ Thx for shring

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Dislocated Heart 08 January 2008

wow, i love this piece. great job! ! i wish i knew my feelings too......

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