I Work To Make My Dreams Come True Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

I Work To Make My Dreams Come True

My working day draws to its close
The light is leaching from the sky.
The western sky shows tints of rose
appealing to my artists eye

I rose this morning with the sun
And broke my fast at break of day
Then did the chores that must be done
For soon I must be on my way.

I am not yet self sufficient
Although one day I hope to be.
For now I have to be content
with working in a factory.

I am well paid for what I do
I earn enough to pay my way
and add some to my savings too
The same old routine every day.

At half past four I cycle home
Back to where I'd rather be
My collie dog bids me welcome
I loose his chain and set him free

My pot bellied stove may be old
but it still works efficiently
To me it worth its weight in gold
I have no electricity

It heats my home and cooks my food
Cost less than nothing to maintain
All it requires is firewood
And a good clean out now and again

I have my own sweet water well
Although the pump is in the yard
The water flows clear as a bell
I do not need to pump too hard.

Whilst waiting for my meal to heat
There some things I need to do
Before my working day's complete
I feed the goats and chickens too

Then I shall brew a pot of tea
My stew will soon be heated through
I sit relaxing comfortably
There's nothing more I need to do.

Except to eat my meal and plan.
Improvements I intend to do.
I have no doubt at all I can
In time make all my dreams come true.

I am a very patient man
Dreams don't come true overnight.
I knew this when my dream began
It will take time to get it right.

I am quite sure one day I'll be
Free from the need to earn my pay
Escaping from the factory
To live my life a different way.

Growing what I need to eat.
and tending to my goats and hens.
No longer needing to compete
To me my dream makes perfect sense.

Although my friends think I am mad.
To choose to live a simple life.
I am quite sure I shall be glad
To leave behind the cares and strife.

Which daily I'm subjected to
Whilst working in a factory.
Where I am told what I must do.
It is less satisfactory.

Then living independently.
In my own house on my own land.
Which one day soon I hope to be.
My own domain which I command.

No one to tell me what to do.
No one to say me yea or nay.
I work to make my dreams come true
and it draws nearer day by day.

Saturday,10 December 2011
http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers.
ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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