I Would Do It Again Poem by Poetry Prince

I Would Do It Again

Yes my dear, I've realised,
if I were to retrace and go back in time,
I would still be awed by my first sight,
my sight of you, I would still be struck,
as if seeing the sun for first,
your beauty would still blind me.
I would still shake with nerve, and;
I would shiver in your presence,
I would still perceive to be in sight of Aphrodite,
my goddess and still cupid would strike,
robbing me of the freedom of my heart,
bestowing upon me the yoke of love.

I would still fall in love with you,
and my vows to you would still bind,
I would still feel irrevocably and ultimately in love,
and I would still give you my all.
I would still start knowing you,
in a way no man would have known,
I would still know you better each time, and
teach you me.
I would still sink deeper into you,
and love you more each time,
inspite of the extra-marital,
I would still say you the best.

Despite the hurt Im in now,
I know I meant each vow,
and despite all that torturous pain,
I know that in the back of my brain,
I would go back and do it again.

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