What Is It Really? Poem by Poetry Prince

What Is It Really?

Rating: 4.5

Is it as beautiful as a goddess,
is it as fair as a star?
Illuminating the sky in darkness,
shedding such light from afar.

Is it in giving it your all,
intertwininig your lives forever,
is it worth the twisted journey?
Or it's a vagabond's vain endeavour.

Is it the greatest joy on earth,
Is it the greatest pleasure,
Is it a diamond, in the dirt?
Is it mankind's greatest treasure.

Is it dying for her, with a bullet in your chest?
Or eternity with her is what you desire?
Is it always work? Work without rest.
And is there any cure to quench the raging fire.

What do you do when its not reciprocated?
How do you convince her it is true?
Is it worth your heart being decimated?
When she opts for him not you.

The big black book says love doesn't envy,
I says if you dont envy you aint in love,
because the truest love is a twisted legacy,
and it is a gift or curse from above.

So what is love, what is it really,
could someone tell me this.
Is it good or bad, blessing or curse,
please tell me what it is.

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