'' I Would Love To Be Your Politician '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' I Would Love To Be Your Politician ''

America is great,
I've got to state,
Of your opinions I'm forced to take note,
I'll make you believe that I'm your mate,
In order to secure your vote.

Another election,
Make your selection,
It doesn't matter what any of them says,
Again, we'll be taken in the same direction,
With none of them worthy of praise.

We give them autonomy,
Over our economy,
After they've made their pitch,
Their methods used are based on astronomy,
The stars are what make them rich.

They invest in shares,
It's our cash, who cares,
Their mistakes are covered by us,
Everything we give they'll class as theirs,
When caught they say, what's the fuss.

You can safely bet,
They'll get us into debt,
Till the day we die we will pay,
They'll sombre off with no hint of regret,
While we starve, they'll all go and play.

We are their tools,
No make that fools,
For they know our complacency is rife,
None of them know the meaning of rules,
Their duty? To cause us all strife.

What isn't yours,
Yes, it reassures,
It allows you to spend, spend, spend,
Ask yourself why the electorate endures,
Their constant lying to defend.

You cannot defame,
They don't feel shame,
They don't care that they leave us bereft,
Even when caught we absolve them of blame,
Yet every one of them is guilty of theft.

Them, I'll no longer smear,
I refuse to sneer,
To make millions is now my life's mission,
I'll promise you the moon if you place your X here,

‘' I Would Love To Be Your Politician ‘'

Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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