If Jesus Were Alive Today. Poem by Rachael Orme

If Jesus Were Alive Today.

Listening to the radio,
At the start of a long drive,
I heard three men talking,
Two about some ‘art' they made
The other it's effects.
The ‘Art' showed Jesus as gay,
His Mother as a prostitute (I think)
And the other things the same.
They argued over whether it was good
Or not.Some said ‘it's blasphemy, for which you will be damned'
Others they just condemned the men, for the ‘Sins'
They had committed.
And I wondered.
If Jesus were alive today,
What would He think of us,
Of us His people, not of them.
Of those who are in uproar over the slander of His name.
And Condemn others, when our sins are just the same.
For Jesus never told me, I had the right to judge,
But I I can send a soul to hell, if that's a right I claim.
By telling them, their souls condemned,
I only inflict more pain.
If Jesus were alive today,
I wonder what He would say.
I think He'd see the heart of men,
And know their deepest thoughts,
He'd know the hurts which had brought them here,
In the same way He knew us.
He knew that behind their ‘Art'
In truth lay pain, and hardship and grief.
That no human eye could see,
And therefore had no right to judge.
I Think if Jesus were alive today,
He'd think them,
More honest,
Than us.

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