If Only Women Had A Bigger Say Poem by Francis Duggan

If Only Women Had A Bigger Say

The modern World an unhappy place to live in due in part to egostistical power hungry men
We need the wisdom of wise and ageing women if hearts and minds and peace we are to win
We do not need crazy male ageing bullies who talk peace through the barrel of a gun
These are the type we ought not to look up to in fact they are the type we ought to shun.

We hear so much about this war on terror as if terror did not have a root cause
The ageing tiger turns to eating humans when age has worn his teeth and sapped strength from his jaws
And a terrorist not unlike the man eating tiger is one in some way who is stripped of power
He sacrifices his own life to kill other people and one man's weed to another is a flower.

Many may see him as an evil person but there are those who revere him as a great
The terrorist was once an innocent baby but oppression in him hatred did create
His family the victims of racism the anger in the growing boy grow and grow
And the angry boy as a young man grows angrier and hatred is the only thing he know.

Where ever there is poverty and oppression the terrorist is also to be found
The slums of the poor, hungry and forgotten to hatred also is a breeding ground
And the gap between the rich and poor keeps widening and the wealthy men grow wealthier by the day
But I feel we would have a better World to live in if only women had a bigger say.

I feel that women would make better leaders the hearts and minds of the disadvantaged they might win
In the hearts of the poor the anger it is bubbling and history's greatest despots have been men
There is only one way to defeat terror and that is for to attack it's root cause
And give them food and show them love and kindness since only hatred grows out of oppressive laws.

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