If The World Could Know Poem by Gabriel Joel

If The World Could Know

Most of us are lead by lust
Most of us are lead by gluttony
Most of us are lead by sloth
Most of us are lead envy
Most of us are lead by pride
Most of us are lead by wrath
How many of us have to die
When will we see
that we are also lead by greed

Why must we destroy the wonders of the world
Why must humanity pick up their swords
Forget politics
Forget racial diference
We are all the same no matter how you spin it
Forget those who think any diference

Humanity is blind dont you understand
Fight for you're right take up a stand
Look up at the sky
and see how high everything
seems to come by
Look at you're life
and thank God for those sights
So dont lie and think of what you will do
Do those things that you know you could do

The world is a bloody mess
Is this really our best
The world is full of people are full of themselves, dont you see
All they want is too give you things you dont need

People who want to take the pain away by taking their lives
are stupid
Their not one to decide
When they die
Dumbass thank God for the simple fact that you're alive
You say that nothings okay
That nothings fine
You have a house dont you
Please there are people who cant even go inside
Why, cause they cant even writte

So world put you're head down in shame
Cause we have all sinned in the worst possible way
Im surprised that we are still sane
We say that the world will end
That the world will rot
We say that the worlds insane
Are we really that shocked
But why cant the same number proclaim
The day, when everyone stays
and says, that we are all
the same
Why cant the same number proclaim the day
when everything will be okay
When no one danmes you for being different
No not different but unique
So be unique dont be a sheep
And be counted whille somebody else sleeps
So have ideas and speak them outloud
Doubt everything you are told
Doubt the amount
If someone judges you
prove them wrong
Be different, be strong
If only the world could change by something so simple as a song.

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