Ignoti Hominibus Noti Deo Poem by Antonio Liao

Ignoti Hominibus Noti Deo

fashionable heart forecast the shadow of the future,
a bright twilight that make every paths know that leads
to the burning endless pain of flame

viewed as you see the memory lend a timing chain
that point to the beautiful star, a heroes where no
one ever touch the fuming zooming ooze of victory of
the passing day, before a little stay of today’s moment
to remember, until tomorrow’s past gain with me

like a precious step walks in the line of wonderful
moment of today, shivering, and hunting the pinnacle
of what is best for a given life, everything gone and
something has made for the show has to go on, beyond
expectation of any men

chant my echo, sing the lullaby of the baby’s breathe,
the blooming Cherry blossom sprouted like a Lilies in
the seabed’s of beautiful harmony of history, within the
harbor of brave and honor cavaliers of Soldiers grave

believe no doubt of expectation, it’s blind and had just
open the memory of great unknown to men, but known
to God

live the victory in your laurel hand and die so others
will be free ……

“Unknown to men, but known to God’ …..the waited
Soldiers lost in the memory of freedom…this poem is

Kranthi Pothineni 13 November 2009

Few lines in this write are really wonderful...'everything gone and something has made for the show has to go on, beyond expectation of any men' meaningful write. Nice one to dedicate to the many fallen unknown.

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