In The Hounslow West Platform, Uk Poem by Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

In The Hounslow West Platform, Uk

While I came out of my son’s house
in Cranston Close, adjacent to the tube station,
I come into the Bath road, Stand for a while
at the signal where people wait and cross;

Watch the controlled vehicular traffic,
Then proceed to note the busy car wash station,
Seeing the people waiting in the station bus stop;
A double-decker bus comes driven by a lady;

Surprised to see a lady driving the bus,
swirling around the kerb so gently wise,
I was delighted to speak to her and admire,
Go into the station for a free ‘Metro’ newspaper!

Stand and watch the traffic at the junctions
of Vicarage farm road, look at the sky counting the flights
at every minute, Pass on to the other side of the road,
Peep at the Boots Pharmacy, walk to pass the fruit seller!

I see the entrance of Iceland foods Ltd
where people go and come busily, I look at
the people come from Hounslow West station
by sitting at the wooden bench on the platform!

I enjoy the sight of pigeons eating the bread crumbs
under the tree in the platform of Hounslow west, Pigeons
frequently fly to the top of the railway station entrance,
Resting mostly at night over the canopy of Iceland store!

In The Hounslow West Platform, Uk
Monday, September 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
When I had been to Hounslow West UK to visit my son's family,
I used to enjoy the scenaries and people around!
Pigeons attracted me more!
I enjoy watching these with my grand-daughters!
Kelly Kurt 28 September 2015

A wonderful, descriptive, and enjoyable poem, Dr. Thanks

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Kanniappan Kanniappan 28 September 2015

Thanks for your reading and appreciation. When I read the poem 'In A London Drawingroom' by George Eliot, I thought of writing my experience in Hounslow West, London during my visit last year.

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Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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