Infinity Poem by Blackie Brown


Take a shower, tidy the flat, organise odd jobs and that. Pop out to the shops, visit a friend, step into the sunshine, lend yourself to the day.

Unshowered however, I remain divorced from the day, from the jobs, from people, from it all. I'm still living inside my head, perched upon my bed with words and thoughts floating around, I put the guitar down and roll another joint.

A warm tranquility circumnavigates my person, how often would I have craved this position whilst busying myself with the chores of routine?

People often remark that doing nothing bores them, I find this conjecture stupid. Only the dead are able to do nothing. They're just uncomfortable in themselves I muse, hence why they can't enjoy the time afforded them to indulge their minds in that which has no perceived form. Once they're able, they'll never again be bored.

I know not when the winds will change, if i'll ever consider decadence strange, the world will have to shrink at some point for sure. Only last night I dreamt of being cursed with illness, learnt my death was imminent. Things didnt feel so relaxed right then, that will return once again, at some point, close or far, so lets celebrate our minds whilst we can shall we?

I also dreamt of kissing a girl, who knows the operational rules for our minds when drifting over this world. I swear it seemed real, I thought I could really feel it all, perhaps it is that our world is so small, that when we break down the wall we'll find a world of dreams on the the other side. That would be great, cause in my mind i'm never late, i'm always on time with myself, I run to a schedule that suits me entirely. I'd never have to leave my mind, betraying the thoughts that give weight inside.

I can fly in my dreams too, I begin by jumping before effortlessly hovering overhead in the sky. I'd love to fly, more than anything else, to soar over the mountain tops, could take my snowboard along, wouldn't need to pay 800 bucks to heli-ski then. That would make me get up in the morning, i'd be up at dawn, ignoring my yawn for a flight to the East, eat a Morroccan feast, go on safari before calling in at home to say hi.

Some books i've read suggest that our purest spiritual form exists as pure consciousness, that we can move between space and time merely by following our thoughts. Where would I go if the choice was entirely my own? The whole world would be my achieveable home, and beyond, i'd run to the edge of space, stick my head out. The expanding universe would appear as a moving car, me the dog with my head out of the window, though there shouldn't be any wind to blow in my hair, after all, there's nothing out there. As I said though, as long as there is life, nothing is nonsense, maybe keep my head in then, just to be safe, wouldn't wish it to be taken off should we be moving through a tunnel.

And where would the limitations end, would I be able to share all this with my friends, would our higher beings roam together, wandering time and space forever?

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